Anonymous 06/02/2018 (Sat) 03:13:07 No.1880 del
We have very, very little time left.

Besides fixing our economy, information supply, political structure, morals, laws we're faced with climate change (not Climage Change) because we've been told the exact opposite of what is going to happen.

Sea levels rising? Nope lowering.
Temperature rising? Nope lowering.
Ice caps melting? Nope increasing.
CO2 causes temperature rise? Nope temperature causes CO2 rise.

What is to expect (and already happening):
- More extreme, unpredictable weather (floods, hail, volcanic activity etc.).
- Colder temperatures.
- Crop loss.
- Food shortages, famine.
- Mass migration. Due to food shortages.
- Increase in human or plant diseases (due to less UV to disinfect.)

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