Anonymous 06/03/2018 (Sun) 03:33:44 No.1903 del
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As a side note; I'm fully aware that hiding behind this rumored miraculous technology might merely be a government-funded psychological operation designed to ilicit a defeatist response, but the question remains valid nonetheless. Hiding your edge is just common sense, so let's examine the possibilities.

I'll provide a few interesting sources documenting some of the supposed technological marvels kept from the public view:

An article that talks about high speed mag-lev subway system that spans the entirety of the USA's underground military/R&D base network:

An entry level article about voice-to-skull tech:

A review of electrogravitics (a supposed propulsion system of antigravity aircraft, i.e. flying saucers) articles that appeared in the 50s and then quickly vanished from the public view:

Why did I create this thread? To compile evidence and allow for some speculation about the topic that, to my knowledge, was rarely broached anywhere.

So, /horror/, what do you know about this?

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