Anonymous 06/08/2018 (Fri) 16:18:33 No.1940 del
(1.39 MB 1680x1404 gnosis_is_illuminism.jpg)
Esoteric is not higher part of tradition it's a separate hidden one both being at the root of some cults and feeding like a leech on cherrypicked meanings and symbols of existing religions, not given out to exoteric i.e. not high degree members of mystery religions. From what little I've read Evola is just another gnostic.
We're at the 'end of the world' because it was so planned by people that hold to this same esoteric "primordial truth" aka perennial philosophy aka gnosticism for the purposes of completing Magnum Opus, Great Work, on the level of entire humanity. Blaming people at large for the state of things is same logic as this of a bully hitting other child with it's own hand and repeating "Stop hitting yourself!".
Believe it or not technology will provide, if it hadn't yet, the way to interact with spiritual, just like shrooms and sensory deprivation did for Mithraists and DMT plants did for shamans.