Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 06:34:19 No.1976 del
The following posts are all me: >>1949 >>1959 >>1963 >>1965 >>1967 >>1970 >>1971 >>1974

That faith is not your own works, it's the work of God in you and through you to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord which is by its very act a miracle that defy nature and existential logic, yet it is of the Holy Spirit within that calls out for itself to return to God, yet that return is of your true self, not the false self that would die with your body and in some sense, even your soul since the definition of a living soul is a spirit that's embodying the body, so the death of the body is also the death of the living soul but it's not the death of the spirit. The part of the soul tied to the spirit and the part of the spirit that seeks God returns to God in Heaven. The false self which the soul/psyche that always craves something to fulfill its desires never ceases its appetite, are perpetually hungry and temporarily satiated when pursued and received. John Scottus Eriugena is a very misunderstood Christian Neoplatonist along with various other Neoplatonists in those times, but the approach people like him took is something everyone should try to grasp, to come to know about the truth through removing what the truth isn't. Also known as apophatic theology, via negativa, retroduction, theoria/theosis, etc. Most anti Christian Neoplatonists however claim that some other religions promoted the same yet those very same people don't understand what Jesus had done actually mean in the Christian context and so cannot understand it and on the contrary, claim that the Christian bible is secularized metaphysics.