Anonymous 06/29/2018 (Fri) 19:44:16 No.2069 del
You could have the game start out like postal 2 with a checklist of things to do. The items are not primarily weapons. The twist is that the city is a cultist hive and there is a wanted meter by how much the cultists are tipped off to you. You would be gangstalked as you walk down the street at a certain point and at that point only using the weapons or driving them over would allow you to escape and rest to lower your heat level.

Essentially the missions are to collect evidence about the dirty players in the local occult underground. Sadly we would have to create some sort of faction to rise up in because there is none in existance at least not openly. One of the missions would be to film a human sacrifice and a twist would be to be almost done and then someone screams "INTERLOPER" amd you have to evade and only have a stun gun to stealthly knock out guards etc.

One of the plot twists could be the faction that is on the good side is actually part of the bad side and you have to fight both the faction and the cult to Upload the human sacrifice footage. Countless side missions that you can do with a black street gang to gain money in the game. One of them could be to go to a pizza parlor and then you see there is kids in cages. You unlock the children and have the choice to kill the children too. (where you can later join the cult after you beat the game and that will be something to teach as well as get the game junkies to be able to stab people in dungeons and stuff)That would unlock the next half or sequal of the game where you could go around the world and collect evidence of a super cult. All of this modled after the masonic lodges even called "master witchfcraft lodges" or someshit. One of the missions would be to take out a dan shnider charecter who is making a teen actress have stage fright. Then the actress would introduce tou to her manager who gives you more pedowood vigilante missions. You could make it so for every pedowood vigilante mission you accomplish get you start seeing more and more truth in the media kind of like how watchdogs changes your notoriety level through tv news blurbs.

The sky is the limit with this you can have it be a sandbox like gta and yakuza but the missions are to teach about orginized crime. Also like the elders scrolls you will wake up to assasins etc.