Anonymous 10/03/2018 (Wed) 21:21:14 No.2595 del
And this is sort of angels and demons sort of higher battle going on and the prospect of a faith shattering is scary but I am trying to dismantle this system by exposing what I can understand of it an with memetics and thankfully it attunes to a higher spiritual battle going on that breaks down to good and evil. Things may seem evil but they are just standards of which these masons and elite have abused such a system. Dismantle their perversion. So that we can have a real world again. This is fake masonic hidden hierarchy world where nothing is as it seems just masonic circlejerk imagery all the time everywhere. That's not evil its gluttonous cowerdess. Even their satanism is bent on gory sort of slaughter because they have to make up for using culture to hide their cowerdess so they really use people they kill as punching bags to get out their fake lifes. Its some sick rich boy popularity contest THAT IS NOT EVIL. They are not even religiously attuned anymore so both god and the devil want to stop them too its literally the freemasons holding culture and society hostage with their forcing of narratives forcing of ideas forciNG OF MEMES. LALALA THEY HAVE THE MONEY PYRAMID LALALA GO TO WORK SLAVE simply stop their nonsense and there is literally divine intervention going on and this is the real core of what politics culture and all of it breaks down to and people simply have to autistically oppose masonic everything be it media imagery and you will be fighting the good fight. You will become a part of something bigger than all of us we are here to destroy masonic imagery of all kinds and the corresponding hierarchies that go along with it.They are the problem. They are the problem. Because their existence stands on the shackling of human potential with evil and weaponized nepotism. Its not about me its not about anyone its about destroying the cult that has corralled us into the fake haunted house culture they crafted to hide in plain sight!