Anonymous 10/05/2018 (Fri) 03:11:32 No.2607 del
The "fallen" can't be "saved", while using "left-handed" approaches to "Illuminism" makes you a Freemasonic cuck like Carl Jung. There also is no overtaking the collective neither for good nor for evil, for it always self mediates into a state of confusion, and treating it as a physical entity is also a great error. No amount of force nor teaching will sway everyone over towards a full purification of the very reason why life is formed out of primordial unconscious ignorance fully devoid of cognizant expression. You are wasting your time if all that you seek is the domination over the collective consciousness if you're not going to nuke the whole world and even then, life will arise from this planet and if not, on another. There will be no end to the creation of mortal life itself as it's the outcome of reality which cannot be separated from what's realized, though you confuse what is unreal with what's real and what's real with what's unreal. For example, there is no physical evil, there's no physical lineage of evil. There's also no experience of evil without the good that is beyond that which is the rejection of the good. The expression of evil is not physical, while evil is what's truly profane that the populace believes in which always was and will be the majority of the collective as it always was. Dis-order is what we think of evil but true evil really never really existed to begin with, for the identification of evil requires the knowledge of the good of which what's truly good is only understood through removing any and all attributes of the good to come to the unmanifest principle of that which is called good which the knower of the eternal knowledge is inseparable from the eternal knowledge which is united as one. The true understanding of the truth is only temporarily expressed and experienced to mortals that sacrifice everything that is known to be false to seek true wisdom above all else, of which that endeavor isn't bound to the meaningless drama of political strife that seeks to emulate attributes of the good without knowing what it is to begin with, which is the amplification of foolishness. Anything that is popular isn't true, and guess what, politics is a popularity contest. All means to fight against evil cannot be done through hate or through mere attributes of good. The deceived that fight for evil are not to be blamed, even those that are self aware of their evil that they harbor and perpetuate are also not to be blamed. Post traumatic stress that might come to some soldiers happen because of some lingering attachment, some regret seeps in. Whether it's given or received, it first recognizes that it's not good but why is it not good? For pacifism is tolerance is evil, but being afraid of evil is in and of itself a fallacy that many people harm themselves over and accelerating their own demise.