Anonymous 11/06/2018 (Tue) 15:30:46 No.3110 del

Invidious link because fuck Gulag. Both cheeks actually, and fuck it, a tear drop and a pyramid with the triangular dot pattern. After careful reconsideration, I don't mind saying more because it's unbelievable and I'd rather have deniability. The song I posted is an example of what many like me fall into. Opium/heroin was ironically what kept me alive for so long. The abused must face their own demons face to face (in a literal sense, concurrently) and make the most important decision of what's left of their life. It usually boils down to smack or tweak. As you may be aware, the "smoke meth, hail satan" nigger music faggots all have/or do support raping children to death because like masons, they are weak and must use complex rituals and methods to get so little because they are tools; just like the regalia. Everything owes its existence completely and utterly to sound. So having drugs are often weaponized to keep the abused in check regardless of wherever they are. They don't know the locations of all of us, hence why the Finders exist. Some good examples of drug/music containment is the Grateful Dead, Jim Morrison, muh satan rap and god-awful metalcore. This shit is not exclusive to the mainstream, in fact, unsigned and underground is where it thrives. It can be tricky, because they have stolen so much of ours for so long that someone's words are easily dismissed as being on of theirs due to the obfuscation and gradual bending of linguistic meaning. ie. Sympathy - "Arcane Path"
I'm damned as it is and I seek not salvation. Ask yourself, why do the right thing in my position? Why not follow suit and support the chronic regeneration of absolute enslavement of humans and their immortal souls? Why not use my gifts to command authority and set in stone domination and collude with some of the other siblings? Easy, you're not the only ones sick of this bullshit.
Note when the eyes are closed versus open and the hover hand trying to find herself to fight this bullshit and not accidentally awaken an alter.