Anonymous 11/07/2018 (Wed) 11:19:28 No.3118 del
(117.55 KB 525x914 Proper_hands.jpg)
>Anyway, what did you think of the documentary?
It was informative but much of what I said in >>3081 >>3082 >>3085 applies. Sovereign money printed by the nation I'm afraid, just wouldn't happen without collateral, some bait means for the bankers to attempt to take it over yet fail to take over, which I think is why Switzerland didn't allow the use of sovereign money,_2018 . There will be a bi-polar monetary system of the BRICS against the other countries not under the BRICS, not that I'm by any means promoting the BRICS group but Russia and China has enough gold to be indifferent. The Queen of England had already tried to establish ties with Xi Jinping so that the City of London maintains some stake in the new system. Here's a simple question: why do rich asshole millionaires have a weapon hoard? They know that ammo is better than gold in times of war. What meaning is physical worth if you can't physically protect it? I'm for sovereign crypto currency but when the power goes out...RIP!

That's basically all I'd say about money for now.