Anonymous 11/12/2018 (Mon) 04:06:01 No.3144 del
>>3142 posted the pic 1, so I googled it which led me to pic 2. It's an icon of Jesus from the 14th century with the same name. Notice how it looks vaguely like >>3020? It's probably a coincidence. However, Jesus being encircled in a vesica piscis (the resolution for this pic from wikipedia is 1000x666 haha) is a common symbol in Christianity (it's also the fish symbol). BUT it's also a common symbol in Freemasonry. Supposedly the vesica piscis is supposed to represent a womb or a vagina, and whatever is encircled by it is "being born." But what I'm trying to get at is that the square and compass, the unicursal hexagram, and the vesica piscis are the SAME SYMBOL that all represent the dualistic Hermetic concept of as above so below. Just a theory anyways.