Anonymous 02/24/2019 (Sun) 01:48:02 No.3317 del
There is some kind of motorcycle motif that they are inducing w/ the eye-popping symbolicus. I could only think of eye popping as in the tube like eyeballs of people shown dead with gunshot wounds to the skull. But in this context could it be that these cheesey riders are thrill riding on the adrenoline rush adrenochrome? - and the eye shit is their pupils swelling or someshit popping out of their skulls raging on adrenochrome?
This shit brings into question of is golf a sport within a sport within a
tradition that must be outdoors or someshit?
What is going on at these high level things like haughty yachts and lavish golf courses etc.I think there could be child hunting parties at the golf courses.

picture them all running
down the 19th hole green ayy
lookin for a little aryan
won't be hard they can't escape
ohhh yeah we're gonna make it happen
turn the world into a new safe place
confiscate all the guns at once
those aint holograms no its spaaaace

Bornnnn to defile
Bornnnn to bleed child

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