Anonymous 09/15/2019 (Sun) 10:54:45 No.3526 del
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this should be obvious but it is clearly a shrine motif to have not only little red go-karts but also a parade of little clown bicycles. Absolutely masonic. And its deeper than that. They are doing heavy duty psyop's within this for multiple reasons. All of them alarming to say the least. These people are liars.Lying fake ass media. Normies talking shit. They are the bad guys. In what kind of fucking world is there a wonder years teenage shrine girl parading down the block for no reason? bloody face for no reason. Blood dripping onto shoes on masonic floor for no reason .Taking out teeth invisiline for no reason. Poking severed heads in bags in a raincoat and snorkles for no reason. Pouring milk into a dead mans mouth then pointing to the heavens and doing a throat slitting guesture for no reason? Marina del ray esque sort of satanism.On some guy's back at the end for no reason.How is that quaint? Its not. Its deeper than that. Its some kind of mk ultra or masonic shit. Clearly. And people are aware of this but they don't know why because to 99 percent of people its a little odd clearly symbolical but doesnt make sense to them. They don't know what it means. It is deception.