Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 15:08:04 No.3587 del
>It does
Ok maybe in english but in the original greek it is written differently.
2 Timothy 1:18
"may grant to him the lord to find mercy from the lord in that day, and for as much as in Ephesus he served better. You know it."
That's the link you used correct? either way this is slightly different as it states that onesiphorus was preaching in Ephesus and Paul himself wasn't there. The only person who claimed to be an apostle and preached in ephesus that we know of in scripture is Paul.

Also I know this is sort of unrelated. But have you noticed the similarites of Saul from the old testament and Saul from the new testament.
>Both were against a decendant of David. Jesus and well David himself
>Both were from the tribe of Benjamin
>Both were named Saul.
>Saul was replaced by David as king and Paul tried to be an apostle.
Just a little nod.

Also why did James question Paul about trying to get rid of the mosaic law. Wny would James have the need to question Paul if he never preached against the law
Acts 18-24

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