Anonymous 12/16/2019 (Mon) 04:36:39 No.3640 del
>ran out of breath
that was half of the reason i stopped. I had tied my shorts on with a black wire that was on my floor (audio cord for headphones that didnt work anymore). the only way to get the wire undone would have been
A: get the switchblade and cut it off. In front of that chick (half lesbian who cut herself as an adolescent) that would have been triggering.
B: Get us some water bottles so i can go in the kitchen and use scissors to snip my pants loose.
I was fucking in unzipped shorts i could not pull them down it was throwing me off my game. Decided to post this because its funny thinking about how i almost picked up a knife in front of that emo chick as we where fucking. I barely fuck (less than 5 woman would be more if i was not a complete mentally ill mess) but have fun with it op. Don't start shoving shit up your ass for monstergirls its not worth it. Youd be better off shoving a snake in your mouth to try and pass a snake see how in tune you are with the slithering natures of occultism. if it bites your a fraud.