Anonymous 12/20/2019 (Fri) 22:42:03 No.3684 del
The last thing i want to do is start him up again but source x did try to derail this thread (unintentionally) and i deleted a bunch of his posts. Hence the angry last few posts. But i did not edit anything to have the final say or anything i simply did not want the exchange to begin with and deleted all the posts about it. Including well thought out posts of my own. He does not believe in the Qanon craze and claims to be the original source x. I personally do not believe in what he is claiming but his board is >>>/aaanwopros/ see for yourselves if it is true to your research. The reason i deleted it is because i woke up and saw him just posting links to these steemit sort of sites one after another and That is what i deleted. Because its NOT WHAT THIS BOARD IS FOR. I CAN BAN AND DELETE OFF TOPIC SHIT. I DONT EVEN WANT TO MAKE A Q THREAD BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE A THREAD I CAN'T CENSOR YOU IN WITHOUT IT BEING CENSORSHIP.