Anonymous 12/20/2019 (Fri) 23:01:32 No.3685 del
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actually i can ban him in a thread about qanon because he is posting off the topic negating the topic. My real issue is the need to either bring it back to the linked powerpoint slide looking webpages or namefagging. And you may say that is hypocritical but its not. I allowed the jesuitanon to do it. I allowed the fallenangelanon to do it. I allowed glp to do it. I don't namefag. Its not namefagging if its a nickname you don't aknowledge. It is recently because i felt pic related was personally about me. it is but its about ALL OF US. TRUMP IS TRYING TO STOP THE NEW WORLD ORDER GUILLOTINE DEPOPULATION ENDGAME. HE IS FIGHTING THE CABAL. THAT IS WHY THEY ARE TRYING TO IMPEACH HIM. And there are a few other things i don't want to get into because of opsec but one that isnt is a misspelling of one of his tweets yesterday. He said "last might" after i had posted the monsoon webm after not wanting to because of the fucking stupid attentionfagging shit. You see its one thing if a /pol/lack says it in any way but if a redditor conglomeration of media people do it as coordinated as a psyop against me because Q is directly talking to me and they are trying to distract me from noticing it. Me awake is their biggest fear. Because it means there is an entire conspiracy apperatus within masonry that bypasses any sort of regulations honored by all of our institutions. Because it means i now have no way to not try as hard as i can to succeed. Because I CAN WAKE OTHER PEOPLE UP. and we all can. If i can do it anyone can thats the thing here its about not giving a fuck. And you got to give a fuck to do that.