Anonymous 06/22/2021 (Tue) 23:12:39 No.4468 del
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I've been browsing /biz/ on 4chan recently (that poor site is basically fully automated by bots now), and have seen a lot of people falling for the crypto meme.
If you didn't know, crypto, starting with Bitcoin is an invention by and for the banks.
Satoshi Nakamoto, the supposed 'disappeared' creator, is nothing but a pseudonym for the collective of international (Masonic) financiers of the project.

>What does their involvement matter?
Satoshi famously 'lost' the keys to about twenty million Bitcoin, enough to completely dominate and control the market. This is the banks' reserve if the project goes well, and the killswitch if it fails.
As many of you know, the COVID meme has caused inflation and unemployment to explode in the West, triggering the long-anticipated fiat crash.
The Masons and their allies hope to control this, using it for the 'Great Reset', but are ready for it to collapse unplanned. If they dump the coins when people switch to it to spite them, the coins die.
Happy to hear anyone else's findings, and remember to buy physical bullion, not metal stocks or others.