Anonymous 07/16/2021 (Fri) 14:06:34 No.4544 del
This one is less obscure than some others, but is still just as important. The Serbian insurrection group the Black Hand was responsible for the execution of the plot against Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Their main motive was the 'liberation' of the Balkans into a greater Serbia. This lead the revanchist Serbian government at the time to slide them money under the table; more money than they could have reasonably spent to afford.
>Enter the Void Zone
This is where France and the Allies come in. As many of you may know, the first Rothschild central bank was established in Britain after the fall of Napoleon. Soon after, France was forced to have one via the instability of its political system (think coups, revolutions). Russia joined the party with the alliance, with the Tsars hoping it would ease their economic hardships. Meanwhile, the German Reichsbank served the entire Empire, but was lacking in authority, with each Länder issuing its own notes. Austria had a similar system, and this prevented the banks from securing a large section of the European economy.
Keep in mind that there was no Fed at this time, so the powers at be had far less control over global finance and policy. Essentially, the Masons exploited Russia's feud with the Ottomans over the Turkish Strait to manipulate them into guarenteeing Serbia and the Balkans in general. In reality, this was initially intended to prevent Ottoman aggression, but was turned against Austria for the war. The real kicker here is that France was subsidising the Serbian government at the time, so I will let you guess where that money went. The most tragic meme is that Serbia was just a pawn in the game and they didn't even get what they wanted.
Lastly, I should mention the impact of the League Wars on Europe and the start of the war. If you forgot, the League Wars were fought between Protestant and Catholic Princes of the HRE after the (((Papacy))) forced a conflict. This is why a seperate Germany and Austria exist today, and why they stood disunited for years, causing the Empire to fall. Just before the war, the two entered a pact to unite their visions of Christendom, and I think it may have scared the Cabal a bit too much to stand...