Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2021 (Wed) 22:17:42 Id: 036f18 No.1067 del
- as the "Retry has no attribute..." network errors have appeared in new forms, I gave the core of the problem another look. we could never really figure this out, but it seemed to be a network version thread safety issue. I think I have ruled this out, and I now believe these may have been occuring during faulty pickling during network session save/load. I fixed the problem here, so with luck this issue will not reappear--if you have had this a lot, let me know how you get on!
- I broke the requirements.txt into several variants based on platform. we are going to try to pin down good fixed versions of python-mpv and requests/urllib3 for each platform
- I also updated the 'running from source' help significantly, moving everything to the requirements.txt and making sections for things like FFMPEG and libmpv
- Also updated the source and contact help around my work style and contact preferences
- the file now only does the final input() confirmation if there is an interactive stdin to respond

next week

Next week is code cleanup and some little jobs that have slipped through the cracks. Nothing too clever, but I want to fit in some misc boring work.

Thanks everyone!