Anonymous Board owner 10/06/2021 (Wed) 21:41:35 Id: ee284d No.1149 del
- boring code cleanup:
- cleaned some network job widget update calls
- improved some misc autocomplete search status tracking
- improved some account object permission checking and tests. accounts now never say they have permissions (e.g. if you click the 'see account permissions' button on review services) if they are banned or expired
- file and pages menus now uses the new update routine
- pending menu now uses the new update routine, with an emphasis on anti-jitter so you can interact while it is updating
- database, network, service, and undo menu now use newer async update code and also use the new update routine
- cleaned up help and tags menu init code
- the signal that causes the pending menu to update is now only sent on tag changes if the tag service is a repository (previously, local-only updates were janking this for no reason)
- the pending menu now updates its sibling/parent numbers when repository processing causes a clever row change to stuff you have pending
- also, some menubar items that only show when in advanced mode now update their visibility when advanced mode is flipped on or off
- misc menubar code cleanup and improvements

next week

I've got many little jobs in my immediate todo list, so I'd like to keep working like this. A grab bag of misc items, and some github bug reports.

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