Anonymous Board owner 11/24/2021 (Wed) 22:53:58 Id: f27ebb No.1175 del
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- misc:
- ogv files (ogg with a video stream) are now recognised by the client! they will get resolution, duration, num frames and now show in the media viewer correctly as resizeable videos. all your existing ogg files will be scheduled for a rescan on update
- wrote new downloader objects to fix deviant art tag search. all clients will automatically update and should with luck just be working again with the same old 'deviant art tag search' downloader
- added prototype copy/paste buttons to the manage ratings dialog. the copy button also grabs 'null' ratings, let me know how you get on here and we'll tweak as needed
- file searches with namespaced and unnamespaced tags should now run just a little faster
- most file searches with multiple search predicates that include normal tags should now run just a little faster
- the file log right-click menu now shows 'delete x yyy files from the queue' for deleted, ignored, failed, and skipped states separately
- the tag siblings + parents display sync manager now forces more wait time before it does work. it now waits for the database and gui to be free of pending or current background work. this _should_ stop slower clients getting into hangs when the afterwork updates pile up and overwhelm the main work
- the option 'warn at this many pages' under _options->gui pages_ now has a max value of 65535, up from 500. if you are a madman or you have very page-spammy subscriptions, feel free to try boosting this super high. be warned this may lead to resource limit crashes
- the 'max pages' value that triggers a full yes/no dialog on page open is now set as the maximum value of 500 and 2 x the 'warn at this many pages' value
- the 'max pages' dialog trigger now only fires if there are no dialogs currently open (this should fix a nested dialog crash when page-publishing subscriptions goes bananas)
- improved error reporting for unsolveable cloudflare captcha errors
- added clarification text to the edit subscription query dialog regarding the tag import options there
- added/updated a bunch of file import options tooltips
- .

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