Anonymous Board owner 12/08/2021 (Wed) 23:19:11 Id: 4b8c84 No.1184 del
icc profile and pixel hash

This is mostly database prep for future duplicate system expansions.

The client database now records whether still images have an ICC profile, and it also saves data for 'these images are exact pixel duplicates' decisions. On update, all your existing files will be queued for scans to fill in this data in the background. Anything with an ICC profile will also regenerate its thumbnail. You don't have to do anything, this will all happen automatically over the coming week(s).

In time, you'll be able to search for images with ICC profiles with the new 'system:has icc profile' search predicate. This predicate is weird and advanced, so I think I'll hide it away soon under an umbrella for advanced stuff.

The 'exact pixel duplicate' data will be useful in the near future, when I expand the duplicate system to find (and optionally automatically merge) certain pairs that are perfect visual dupes.

full list

- misc:
- fixed a recent bug in wildcard search where 't*g' unnamespaced wildcards were not returning namespace results
- sped up multi-predicate wildcard searches in some unusual file domains
- the file maintenance manager is now more polite about how it works. no matter its speed settings, it now pauses regularly to check on and wait until the main UI is feeling good to start new work. this should relieve heavier clients on older machines who will get a bunch of new work to do this week
- 'all local files' in _review services_ now states how many files are awaiting physical deletion in the new deferred delete queue. this live updates when the values change but should be 0 pretty much all the time

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