Anonymous Board owner 12/15/2021 (Wed) 23:19:45 Id: 960c24 No.1189 del
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- video scanbar autohide:
- the scanbar that shows below audio and video is now embedded inside the video frame, and it show/hides based on how close your mouse is to it
- I've wanted to do this for a long time, since it will allow you to watch 16:9 videos at true 100% in borderless fullscreen, but the hackery of how the media viewer works behind the scenes means this took more work than you'd think and is still a little jank. there's a small amount of flicker when it pops in and out, which I will work on in future. in any case, please have a play with it and let me know what you think. I expect to add some more options, like for the activation padding area around it, and I will be tidying up more layout stuff throughout the media viewer
- if you are a mostly keyboard user, please check out the new 'global' shortcut to flip on/off a 'force the animation scanbar to show' mode
- I don't really want to bring back the always-on hanging-below scanbar that just takes up space, but if you try this new embedded scanbar and really hate it, we'll see what we can do
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- more duplicate filter search options:
- the duplicates page now has a dropdown on the search for 'must be/can be/excludes pixel dupes'!
- the duplicates page now has a number control on the search for what distance the pair was found at! I am not sure how accurate this thing is in all cases, but it seems I started tracking this data some time ago and forgot I even had it
- these new options are remembered in your session and _should_ remain fast in most normal cases. I put time into some complicated database work this week to get this going, please let me know if you have any trouble with it
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- misc:
- when the export filename pattern in the export files dialog means many of the files share the same base and hence need to do 'filename (5)'-style suffixes to be unique, the number here is now calculated much more efficiently. opening this dialog on 10,000 files with an oft-duplicate pattern should now be a jolt of lag but not many minutes
- when you choose to 'separate' a subscription with more than 100 queries, you are no longer forced to break it into half
- when you do break a subscription in half, it now makes sure to sort the query texts before separating

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