Anonymous Board owner 01/05/2022 (Wed) 23:03:13 Id: 26f6f8 No.1198 del
- fixed a problem with no_daemons and the docker package server scripts (issue #1039)
- if the server engine (serverside or client api) is running a request during program shutdown, it now politely says 'Application is shutting down!' with a 503 rather than going bananas and dumping to log with an uncaught 500
- fixed some bad client db update error handling code
- .
- multiple local file services (system predicate edition):
- system:file service now supports 'deleted' and 'petitioned' status
- advanced 'all known files' search pages now show more system predicates
- when inbox and archive are hidden because one has 0 count, and the search space is simple, system everything now says what they are, e.g. "system:everything (24) (all in inbox)"
- file repos' 'system:local/not local' now sort at the top of the system predicate list, like inbox/archive
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- client api:
- the GET /get_files/file_metadata call now returns the file modified date and imported/deleted timestamps for each file service the file is currently in or deleted from. check the help for an example!
- fixed client api file search with random sort (file_sort_type = 4)
- client api version is now 24
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- boring multiple local file services work:
- the system predicates listed in a search page dropdown now support the new 'multiple location search context' object, which means in future I will be able to switch over to 'file domain is union of (A, deleted from B, and C)' and all the numbers will add up appropriately with ranged 'x-y' counts and deal with combinations of file repo and local service and current/deleted neatly

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