Anonymous Board owner 01/26/2022 (Wed) 22:40:53 Id: 858b1b No.1211 del
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- times:
- if you have file viewing stats turned on (by default it is), the client will now track the 'last viewed time' of your files, both in preview and media viewers. a record is only made assuming they pass the viewtime checks under _options->file viewing statistics_ (so if you scroll through really quick but have it set to only record after five seconds of viewing, it will not save that as the last viewed time). this last viewed time is shown on the right-click menu with the normal file viewing statistics
- sorting by 'import time' and 'modified time' are moved to a new 'time' subgroup in the sort button menu
- also added to 'time' is 'last viewed time'. note that this has not been tracked until now, so you will have to look at a bunch of things for a few seconds each to get some data to sort with
- to go with 'x time' pattern, 'time imported' is renamed to 'import time' across the program. both should work for system predicate parsing
- system:'import time' and 'modified time' are now bundled into a new 'system:time' stub in the system predicates list. the window launched from here is an experimental new paged panel. I am not sure I really like it, but let's see how it works IRL
- 'system:last view time' is added to search the new field! give it a go once you have some data
- also note that the search and sort of last viewed time works on the 'media viewer' number. those users who use preview or combined numbers for stuff, let me know if and how you would like that to work here--sort/search for both media and preview, try to combine based on the logic in the options, or something else?
- .
- loading serialised pngs:
- the client can now load serialised downloader-pngs if they are a perfect RGB conversion of an original greyscale export.
- the pngs don't technically have to be pngs anymore! if you drag and drop an image from firefox, the temporary bitmap exported and attached to the DnD _should_ work!
- the lain easy downloader import now has a clipboard paste button. it can take regular json text, and now, bitmap data!
- the 'import->from clipboard' button action in many multiple column lists across the program (e.g. manage parsers) (but not every list, a couple are working on older code) also now accepts bitmap data on the clipboard
- the various load errors here are also improved

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