Anonymous Board owner 02/02/2022 (Wed) 23:44:24 Id: cd0314 No.1216 del
full list

- highlights:
- the file domain button of every autocomplete input now has a 'multiple locations' entry. this launches a checkboxlist of all possible search locations and allows you to search more than one domain at once. it works, too! in future, when we can have multiple 'my files' services, you'll be able to choose here unions of what to search. users in advanced mode will see repository updates, all local files, all known files, and the new deleted file domains on this list. I removed the deleted file domains from the front menu because I expect them to be rarely used
- in _options->thumbnails_, there is now a 'thumbnail scaling' dropdown. you can set it so thumbs only ever scale down (which remains the default), scale to fit (i.e. very small images are also scaled up), or scale to fill. the 'animation' as thumbnails refit and delayed-regen themselves to 'scale to fill' is accidentally one of the coolest things I have done
- removed the old 'EXPERIMENTAL: thumbnail fill' option. the new mode works essentially the same, but faster and higher quality
- in the page tab menu, there is a new submenu 'pages', which shows all the pages at or below the current level. if you right-click on a page of pages tab, it will just show for that page of pages. click any of the entries, you will select that page. it is a web browser-like quick navigation menu, let me know what you think!
- rejiggered the page tab menu a little, reordering groups a bit with nicer separators and putting 'select' navigation on the menu even if you click in greyspace
- fixed a problem in page tab menu logic where if you right-clicked on greyspace, it would render the menu for the bottommost page of pages row rather than the one actually clicked
- last week's update where a mouse release event will no longer fire in the shortcuts system if the mouse moved a decent distance between press and release should now work in the media viewer canvas when dragging is set to anchor the mouse in place. some advanced users may wish to try setting archive/delete to work on mouse release and use left click to drag
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- bug fixes:
- fixed pages force-refreshing file queries on session load. this has never been intentional, but it slipped through again and was happening for a month or two now. I have added an explicit test to my routine to make sure this doesn't happen again, sorry for the trouble!
- fixed a problem in the recent fast shutdown code that was accidentally also shutting down some maintenance work like repository processing as soon as it started, even if 'exit and force work' was chosen
- all images with a completely opaque alpha channel will now have that alpha channel dropped for the new pixel hash calculation, meaning they will now match with regular non-alpha images with the same colour pixel data. in fact, all images with an opaque alpha now have that channel dropped on load, which will save a little memory and CPU any time they are handled (issue #770)
- if the 'durable' temporary database exists on boot, it is now deleted and a fresh one created rather than trying to re-use the old one (which would not have any useful information anyway), and a note is made to log. one user recently had a problem where an existing corrupt temp dir was stopping boot, which this fixes
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