Anonymous Board owner 03/02/2022 (Wed) 22:43:07 Id: 7f9a4b No.1242 del
- some cleanup:
- replaced last instances of EVT_CLOSE wx wrapper with proper Qt code
- did a heap of very minor code cleanup jobs all across the program, mostly just to get into pycharm
- clarified the help text in _options->external programs_ regarding %path% variable
- .
- pycharm:
- as a side note, I finally moved from my jank old WingIDE IDE to PyCharm in this release. I am overall happy with it--it is clearly very powerful and customisable--but adjusting after about ten or twelve years of Wing was a bit awkward. I am very much a person of habit, and it will take me a little while to get fully used to the new shortcuts and UI and so on, but PyCharm does everything that is critical for me, supports many modern coding concepts, and will work well as we move to python 3.9 and beyond

next week

The past few months have been messy in scheduling as I have dealt with some IRL things. That's thankfully mostly done now, so I am now returning to my old schedule of cleanup/small/medium/small week rotation.

Next week will be a 'medium size' job week. I'm going to lay the groundwork for 'post time' parsing in the downloader and folding that cleverly into 'modified date' for searching and sorting purposes. I am not sure I can 'finish' it, but we'll see.