Anonymous Board owner 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:05:46 Id: 634b8f No.1246 del
- if you set some files as 'alternates' when they are already 'duplicates', this now works (previously it did nothing). the non-kings of the group will be extracted from the duplicate group and applied as new alts
- added a 'BUGFIX' checkbox to 'gui pages' options page that forces a 'hide page' signal to the current page when creating a new page. we'll see if this patches a weird error or if more work is needed
- added some protections against viewing files when the image/video file has (incorrectly) 0 width or height
- added support for viewing non-image/video files in the duplicate filter. there are advanced ways to get unusual files in here, and until now a pdf or something would throw an error about having 0 width

next week

Back to multiple local file services, which is in endgame. I have a ton of ancient file handling code to simply clean to newer standards.