Anonymous Board owner 04/06/2022 (Wed) 21:27:36 Id: f1ed67 No.1261 del
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- file notes and media viewer hover windows:
- file notes are now shown on the media viewer! this is a first version, pretty ugly, and may have font layout bugs for some systems, but it works. they hang just below the top-right hover, both in the canvas background and with their own hover if you mouseover. clicking on any note will open 'edit notes' on that note
- the duplicate filter's always-on hover _should_ slide out of the way when there are many notes
- furthermore, I rewrote the backend of hover windows. they are now embedded into the media viewer rather than being separate frameless toolbar windows. this should relieve several problems different users had--for instance, if you click a hover, you now no longer lose focus on the main media viewer window. I hacked some of this to get it to work, but along the way I undid three other hacks, so overall it should be better. please let me know how this works for you!
- fixed a long time hover window positioning bug where the top-right window would sometimes pop in for a frame the first time you moved the mouse to the top middle before repositioning and hiding itself again
- removed the 'notes' icon from the top right hover window
- refactored a bunch of canvas background code
- .
- client api:
- search_files/get_thumbnail now returns image/jpeg or image/png Content-Type. it _should_ be super fast, but let me know if it lags after 3k thumbs or something
- you can now ask for CBOR or JSON specifically by using the 'Accept' request header, regardless of your own request Content-Type (issue #1110)
- if you send or ask for CBOR but it is not available for that client, you now get a new 'Not Acceptable' 406 response (previously it would 500 or 200 but in JSON)
- updated the help regarding the above and wrote some unit tests to check CBOR/JSON requests and responses
- client api version is now 30
- .

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