Anonymous Board owner 05/04/2022 (Wed) 23:03:30 Id: cb293b No.1278 del
- boring code cleanup:
- cleaned up search signalling UI code, a couple of minor bugs with 'searching immediately' sometimes not saving right should be fixed
- the 'repository updates' domain now has a different service type. it is now a 'local update file domain' rather than a 'local file domain', which is just an enum change but marks it as different to the regular media domains. some code is cleaned up as a result
- renamed the terms in some old media filtering code to make it more compatible with multiple local file services
- brushed up some delete code to handle multiple local file services better
- cleaned up more behind the scenes of the delete files dialog
- refactored ClientGUIApplicationCommand to the widgets module
- wrote a new ApplicationCommandProcessor Mixin class for all UI elements that process commands. it is now used across the program and will grow in responsibility in future to unify some things here
- the media viewer hover windows now send their application commands through Qt signals rather than the old pubsub system
- in a bunch of places across the program, renamed 'remote' to 'not local' in file status contexts--this tends to make more sense to people at out the gate
- misc little syntax cleanup

next week

Some small misc jobs and user-friendly-isation of multiple local file services.