Anonymous Board owner 05/25/2022 (Wed) 22:21:31 Id: 63b815 No.1297 del
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- This week's release is for advanced users only! I make a big change, and I want to make sure the update is fast and there are no unusual problems before rolling it out to all users.
- all my files:
- the client adds a new virtual file service this week, 'all my files', which is an umbrella covering all your local file domains. if you do not engage the multiple local file services system, you won't see it much, but if you do, you'll now have a convenient tool for saying 'all my stuff' without including trash and repository updates
- it will take a minute or two to generate this new service on update. if you have a client with millions of files, it may take a while
- 'all my files' now appears in the file domain selector button on your tag entry box if you have more than one local file domain. selecting this searches the union of all your local file domains with fast and precise count (as opposed to 'multiple locations' of the full union, which will have imprecise counts and be slower). it also does duplicate file work laser-fast (again, unlike 'multiple locations', which is often slow due to UNION complexity)
- 'all my files' also appears in review and manage services, very similarly to 'all local files'
- a heap of hacks I instituted when getting multiple local file services ready are now replaced with this clean 'yeah this file is valued and worth looking at' domain. for instance, downloader pages now view files in this way.
- mr bones and the file history chart also use 'all my files', and are significantly faster to calculate. the chart also excludes repo update files and trash now
- calls to delete or undelete on 'all my files' (this is mostly Client API and some 'default' situations) will be converted to a blanket 'force send to trash' and 'force undelete all deleted records'
- the 'undelete files?' dialog is now a button selection dialog. it also now has an 'all the above' option when more than one local service may apply, which tells the client to undelete to all services the files have been deleted from
- updated multiple local file services help to talk a little about the new domain
- rearranged the sort in a couple of places where the different local file services appear. they should now be: local file domains, all my files, trash, repo updates, all local files
- ADVANCED: the 'presentation import options' under 'file import options' now allows a full-fledged location context using the new multiple local file services system rather than the previous 'in your files(and trash too)' choice. it defaults to the new 'all my files' domain
- .
- misc:

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