Version 487 Anonymous Board owner 06/01/2022 (Wed) 22:09:24 Id: 82e2be No.1300 del [Embed]

I had an ok week. I was a unexpectedly short on time, so I couldn't get everything I wanted done, but I cleared out some small work.


The big update last week, which I recommended only for advanced users, went well. There don't seem to be any obvious problems with the logic of the new search cache, so I now recommend it for everyone. You will be presented with a popup just before the update runs, giving you an estimate of how long it thinks it will take. Most users should take 5-10 minutes, but if you have millions of files, it will be longer. Just let it run and some things will run a bit faster and neater in the background. If you have played with 'multiple local file services', then check out the new 'all my files' domain you will see--this is basically an efficient umbrella of all your local file services. It works super fast for things like the duplicates system.

I also put some time into the duplicate filter this week. The logic of the queue is improved again, so some rare errors when reaching the end of a batch should be fixed. I also integrated manual file deletes into the queue processing: now, when you manually delete a file, or both, the deletes will not happen until you commit--just like the other decisions you are making--and they are undoable if you select 'forget' or go back a pair. You also won't see a file you manually deleted again in a batch (it'll auto-skip if that file comes up again).

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