Anonymous Board owner 10/05/2022 (Wed) 22:05 Id: 920740 No.1384 del
full list

- misc:
- the Linux build gets the same 'cannot boot' setuptools version hotfix as last week's Windows build. sorry if you could not boot v500 on Linux! macOS never got the problem, I think because it uses pyoxidizer instead of pyinstaller
- fixed the error/crash when clients running with PyQt6 (rather than the default Qt6, PySide6) tried to open file or directory selection dialogs. there was a slight method name discrepancy between the two libraries in Qt6 that we had missed, and it was sufficiently core that it was causing errors and best, crashes at worst
- fixed a common crash caused after several options-saving events such as pausing/resuming subscriptions, repositories, import/export folders. thank you very much to the users who reported this, I was finally able to reproduce it an hour before the release was due. the collect control was causing the crash--its ability to update itself without a client restart is disabled for now
- unfortunately, it seems Deviant Art have locked off the API we were using to get nice data, so I am reverting the DA downloader this week to the old html parser, which nonetheless still sems to work well. I expect we'll have to revisit this when we rediscover bad nsfw support or similar--let me know how things go, and you might like to hit your DA subs and 'retry ignored'
- fixed a bad bug where manage rating dialogs that were launched on multiple files with disagreeing numerical ratings (where it shows the stars in dark grey), if okayed on that 'mixed' rating, rather than leaving them untouched, were resetting all those files back to the minimum allowed star value. I do not know when this bug came in, it is unusual, but I did do some rating state work a few weeks ago, so I am hoping it was then. I regret this and the inconvenience it has caused
- if you manually navigate while the media viewer slideshow is running, the slideshow timer now resets (e.g. if you go 'back' on an image 7 seconds into a 10 second slideshow, it will show the previous image for 10 seconds, not 3, before moving on again)
- fixed a type bug in PyQt hydrus when you tried to seek an mpv video when no file was loaded (usually happens when a seek event arrives late)
- when you drop a hydrus serialised png of assorted objects onto a multi-column list, the little error where it says 'this list does not take objects of type x' now only shows once! previously, if your png was a list of objects, it could make a separate type error for each in turn. it should now all be merged properly
- this import function also now presents a summary of how many objects were successfully imported
- updated all ui-level ipfs multihash fetching across the program. this is now a little less laggy and uses no extra db in most cases
- misc code and linter warning cleanup
- .
- tag right-click:
- the 'edit x' entry in the tag right-click menu is now moved to the 'search' submenu with the other search-changing 'exclude'/'remove' etc.. actions

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