Release Tomorrow!
Board owner
12/21/2022 (Wed) 02:23
Id: 0c57f2
I had a good week. I fixed some bugs, added some new import and tag search options for advanced users, and made thumbnails look crisp at high UI scale.
The release should be as normal tomorrow.
>>1437Thanks. Yeah, I am doing good overall. Looking forward to my vacation next week though!
We added 'mpv' support I think two or three years ago--that's where the sound is coming from. You should notice video plays a lot smoother too. Any time you are looking at a noisy video, move your mouse to the bottom of the video frame so the scanbar pops up. On the right should be a 'speaker' symbol. Click it and you'll get global mute. There's another speaker symbol in a popup that just mutes preview/media viewer.
There's some shortcuts for this too, under