Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 09/27/2023 (Wed) 05:04 Id: bd2c45 No.1540 del
I had a good week. There's support for epub files, some new micro-thumbnail tech called a blurhash, and the file history chart now has a file search box.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

I don't specifically remember this, but maybe there's an old saved regex rule tucked away in the filename tagging dialog somewhere. Drag some files on the client, then, on the window that pops up, click 'add tags/urls with the import', then select the tag service tab up top and then click the 'advanced' tab in the top of the bottom half. The 'regexes' box is probably what you are looking for. There's some saved favourite regex patterns off the 'regex shortcuts' button--maybe you had something saved there?

If not, forgive me for dashing this out, but I think you'd want a couple rules like:

(?<=\s).+?(?=\s) (gets words between spaces)
(?<=D:\\hydrus_imports\\123456\\).+?(?=\s) (gets the first word after the import directory tree prefix)
(?<=\s).+?(?=\.jpg) (gets the last word before the file extension)

A bit of playing around will be needed depending on your exact filename format. BTW, ChatGPT is great at working out regex patterns for you, or explaining existing ones you aren't sure about, if you describe exactly what you want.