Anonymous Board owner 01/13/2024 (Sat) 17:34 Id: 3ba148 No.1585 del
Not in the convenient way you are thinking, unfortunately. 'This file has this hash is core to the whole database, so if you start messing around with ids, I can't promise that some maintenance routine won't notice the problem later and throw a bunch of warnings and errors.

I can do something though. Most of this tech is in the 'duplicates' system, where you can copy tags and ratings and URLs from one file to another, but it is clunky to work with and doesn't copy every possible thing. I plan to keep working on it because we are running into more and more situations where we want clean easy and automatable sharing/duplicating of metadata across similar files.

Here's the general help, if you haven't seen it. You can access all the 'set these files as same quality duplicates' commands outside of the duplicate filter through the normal thumbnail menu when you have multiple files selected, but you'll want to set up your 'default duplicate metadata merge options' in a duplicates processing page first, so your client knows what to merge where in these situations.