Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 13:39 Id: 9a5297 No.1651 del
The new incremental tagging is great and the default was what I needed. The move feature saved me too, because "oldest first" has the tenth image in the set imported first for whatever reason, and it looks like they put the 28th image at the end, forgot to post it whil posting the set. Everything seems to be working and nothing to report, I would love a "move forward/backwards x" popup in the future if practical.

I upgraded my client
464 > 474 > 509 > 529 > 554 > 578
I technically could have skipped 529 since 509 > 554 gave me an error about regenerating missing ratings tables, and I don't use ratings at all (yet), but since it said it was a "serious error" I went ahead and added the extra step anyways. 529 > 554 still gave me a "may or may not be serious" message about some sort of table entries for ratings I think, but since I don't use them, I just went ahead. Other than that, I didn't ignore any warnings aside from the bitrot notice, which led to the path above.