Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 06/19/2024 (Wed) 02:28 Id: c2a004 No.1654 del
I had a great week back into things. I improved UI quality of life with some better list workflow and regex editing, cut down on import folder inefficiency, and fixed an annoying problem in the known URL checking logic.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Not sure if I am totally understanding you, but collections have the same internal sort as the outer sort you have set on the page. If you set to sort by import time, collections will sort their internal files by import time and then sort amongst themselves by import time too (usually by something like their minimum held import time, or for metadata that aggregates appropriately, total filesize for filesize). So, if you have paged content collected, I recommend you always sort by 'namespaces->creator-series-volume-chapter-page' kind of thing, and collect-by creator+chapter or similar.

In future I expect I'll add a second sort for collection internals, or an override option, or something, but it is stuck for now.