Anonymous 07/03/2024 (Wed) 10:12 Id: e73e0b No.1661 del
Yeah, sounds cool. For my purposes just a way to chunk up a given tag and replace it with multiple tags using common separators like whitespace, comma, hyphen, or some custom separator, would be the main thing.
Because you could round up a certain group of files, give them all some tag to indicate you had done it to them, do it, and then look through the tags and fix them however you needed to, trim off junk tags, replace some tags with recombined versions, so on.
Right now it can be difficult to see long filenames in the tag editing view to put the tags in manually if on a laptop or something.
Is there a way in settings to add a scrollbar to the applied tags, or just to close some columns like related, file lookup scripts, etc? Or to rewidth them individually.
I like having them but they also get in the way sometimes being fixed width with long filename tags.