Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:06 Id: 0e7d5b No.1696 del
I had a good week. I did the background work I wanted to do, and for the release I've got a variety of quality of life bells and whistles to roll out. Nothing huge, but a bunch of little UI improvements.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Not really, I'm afraid. There's still no 'tag wiki' in hydrus, like you see in the boorus. There's some new ways to search/list all tags, or all tags of a certain namespace, under tags->manage tag display and search, so you can straight up search for '*' now, but no proper paginated tag browser.

There's much better Client API tools, though, including autocomplete search, which would allow you to inspect this stuff more programmatically or make your own tag wiki:

Maybe that would allow you to do something of what you are thinking of here. For the most part though, hydrus is still optimised to ingest as much as possible, and the PTR has like fifty or a hundred million unique tags (across 2+ billion mappings), so the various problems of presenting the 'hydrus taglist' in a form a human can handle are all the more difficult.