Anonymous 11/17/2019 (Sun) 16:13:47 Id: 0b82b6 No.318 del
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I have been on the hunt for over two hours now, and I feel it is now time to ask a professional: why is my regex, that works the way I want in an online simulator, not working when I actually use it in hydrus?
The attached picture is there to show what I am trying to do:
I want the yellow marked column in a month:xx and the red circled column in a day:yy namespace, but as you can see my shit is being fucked up here.
I basically want to know what two regexes I need to perform to get the month and the day filtered out, so that I can put them in two separate namespaces.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but as it turn out I am too much of a brainlet for regex.
The second picture shows that I had theoretically figured it out, but to no avail. :(