Anonymous 11/25/2019 (Mon) 01:13:12 No.385 del
So, I added the PTR to my hydrus and let it sync overnight, but it looks like non of my files have been tagged with those PTR tags? I thought the Syncing was to download all the tags and the hashes for the files that would be recieving those tags, and then they would be applied? But this doesn't seem to be how it works? So how do I get my files to update their tags from the PTR, and do I need to broadcast the image hash as a fetch to the PTR or something to get the tags back? If possible I would rather not leak hashes either, or be able to just look up a subset of my files and try to fetch tags that way if this is the case? Or is there just some setting I have missed enableing that would let my client used the data I have already spent all night syncing tag my files? Because I assumed that I was essentially syncing a dictionary/map of Dictionary<string, vector<int>> lookupTable. where string was the tag, and int was the hash? Or did I just sync tags/keys when DLing the PTR? And how do I see what tags I actually DLed?