Anonymous Board owner 02/17/2021 (Wed) 19:09:17 Id: 23865f No.981 del
- boring db cleanup:
- wrote a local hashes cache to store hashes for all the files on your disk, much like the tag one. this should speed up all normal searches and other common file lookups in the db
- the raw storage mapping tables are spun off to their own module
- basic file info and inbox is spun off to its own module
- improved and sped up some inboxing file count calculations
- cleaned up some more misc file metadata and inbox code
- improved logic in local tags cache

next week

Some IRL stuff has been eating my time and energy recently. That should be easing up, so I'll be back at network improvements and hopefully some autocomplete improvements for short inputs.

I am crushed for time atm. Sorry for the delays, I will catch up with Endchan thread replies on Saturday.