no one is posting anythinf Anonymous 11/15/2019 (Fri) 16:41:10 Id: 8a59b4 No.14 del
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where is everyone lol. i still cant get to 8kun so i doubt you guys r there. im willing to upload/trade files if there are actually people on this board. what i have is stuff from SB,nikki,ellechemy, Y and much more. what i am looking for is patron files from k1nkyshi55y, e55uc6us, m00nlit hypno and the paid files from the somewhat obscure but good hypnotist, a0dio eXc1te. thanks. i will upload some files on a vola once someone relplies to this but not right now because i dont wanna post them if no one is here. thanks and sorry if my post looks weird i am new to 4/8/end chan. pic unrelated.