मित्र 09/07/2023 (Thu) 03:13 Id: 2a0697 No.512 del
>Btw I'm having one of those random thoughts where I'm confused why you'd even want to invest time and energy in me, someone who isn't that interested about things here.
I like you. You always come back.
>You should seek and pursue relationships that last and with people who are emotionally present for you
Meds. Noone says that or does that.
>You're kind of making me do things that others in the past did to me, or I thought they were doing
Whats that
>I wish people, including me, learnt these important instructions when making critical decisions
Idk what has that to do with dead felines but yes,rash decision making is pretty bad.
>Should I watch this obvious Breaking Bad-tier meme movie?
Whxih one
>Would you prefer more blood instead of bruises in your images
My images? But if you mean the stuff I like then I will accept everyhting there is to offer except p*op of course.