मित्र 09/07/2023 (Thu) 04:00 Id: c1f7ab No.523 del
(246.17 KB 500x385 img.png)
>you dont like that all much
Wait, what?
Who told you that?
I like reading about other people and breaking open their minds and calling them narcissists and psychopaths.
>you refused to share your Journaling
Those are personal thoughts!
I do share other stuff like family problems and stuff I do.
>Like why do you wanna be a schizo or some other type of animalistic creature?
It's not who you want to be but who you are. I want to be a girl but I'm not.
Well, who are you?
Also, how the fuck do you get stuck in the first question?
It's probably a B or E.

Well, guess what. I am a schizo.