Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 08:30 Id: e5a417 No.48439 del
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I dunno, kinda grew disillusioned towards owning pets after the last of my childhood pets, which was the kitty in question, died. My mom got new kitties but I just didn't grow attached to them in the same way. Although now I do find myself missing them a bit that I'm here, so I just don't know. Also there's the allergy issue, which is going to be exacerbated in a small space that I'd likely be living in in Japan.
I'd also been thinking I'd rather get a dog, but if I get a dog I want to get a big one, as I hate small dogs, but big dogs are just not very common here for the small space reason mentioned above. I guess I'd get a shiba as they're readily available here and about as small as I'm willing to go.