Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 13:26 Id: e5a417 No.48513 del
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I'll go there again when I'm feeling better.
I did go to that same bar one more time, which is when I met the JAV guy.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... I'll tell them to take an eschatological course :)

I did not know that. Or I probably was aware of it when it happened, but forgot.

The studio doing the anime of the Im@s game she's from is the same one that did all the shitty Nihei anime. Even among the CG trash studios they're probably the worst and have not improved their animation quality in 10 years at this point. The show is awful.
She's also not even in the first season because it only features the cast from when the game debuted, and Fuyuko and friends were only added to the game for the first anniversary. That said, I don't actually necessarily think this would be a bad thing for Fuyuko enjoyers if the anime was good because focus will be pretty scattered in the first season trying to focus on the entire launch cast, meanwhile S2 will probably mostly focus on Fuyuko and friends. But the anime is trash so it does not matter.
Even the next Im@s MOBILE game has higher quality animation than this show.