Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 00:58 Id: 08ab9a No.48585 del
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That will actually depend more on the economy front.
China overtaking the U.S. will require them overtaking the U.S. in GDP first. That WILL happen. Maybe sometime around 2030 at best.
Ukraine is a similar question of economics.
If the Ukraine wins (unlikely) the West gets to step in and rebuild it. Good for the West, bad for Ukraine (that will owe a ton of money basically forever. The Wests' new permanent debt slaves.)
If Ukraine loses, Russia rebuilds it- or, would, if IT had the resources and money to do so after leveling half of it, and chewing through their own savings at the same time. So, now they get to go around begging for loans, and THEY become the permanent debt slave.
A pyrrhic victory if there ever was one.

Iran Israel? In classic Arab style, Iran did more damage to itself just now than its enemies.
It won't need U.S. intervention other than, much like in Ukraine, a massive amount of logistical support to those wanting to retaliate on Israel or the U.S.s behalf. If that even happens at all.