Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 01:09 Id: e5a417 No.48586 del
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You assume America and its empire is in way better economic shape than it actually is. Our economy is literally propped up by fake numbers in an attempt to get Biden over the finish line one more time at this point.
Ukraine winning is not unlikely, it is impossible. Russia already has most of the territory they wanted at this point, and most of Ukraine's fighting force is literal geezers that they kidnapped off the back of trucks fleeing the country. Russia didn't want to go for the jugular but now they will because America forcibly prolonging this war has weakened Ukraine to the point that they are ripe for the taking. Ukraine as a country simply will not exist in a few years time.
You also underestimate Russia's economic strength, just like all the westerners who have been proven wrong after how quickly they bounced back from the western sanctions despite everyone on this side of the world thinking it would make the country collapse. Russia will not come out as top dog in this either as they're still indebted to China and other middle eastern countries for buying their oil and then selling it to the west to get around sanctions, but Putin has solidified his power among his people and will get a nice chunk of land out of it so its not a bad trade off.

Also you say Iran has done more damage to itself, and yeah, it probably would've been better off just ignoring Israel's provocation and not getting involved, as there most certainly will be damages and casualties to it now that would not have been otherwise incurred, but like every other middle eastern war for the last couple decades, it will be drawn out and ultimately lost by the Western side.